Saratoga Shooting Sports is pleased to be able to offer an approved 18 hour pistol permit course in Middle Grove, NY
for $200 per student. ($225 starting in May.) Classes are taught on a single weekend (both days) from 8AM to 5PM.
Sign-up Process:
Please sign up for a particular class using the form below. The date you submit this form determines your priority level in
terms of getting in the class that you've selected.
We will reply back to verify that the date you have selected still has available seats and to confirm that you wish to go ahead
and pay your 50% deposit. This is a good time for you to ask any additional questions. It's also our chance to make sure we have
a solid line of communication with you.
Once you have paid your 50% deposit (but not before), your seat for that particular class is secured. You will have a minimum of
48 hours to pay your deposit before your seat might be given away to the next person on the list.
A class will be marked as "waitlist" as soon as 12 people have expressed an interest in that class using the web form.
Historically, about half of these people will not follow through and pay a deposit, so do not be dissuaded from signing up
for a date that is listed as "waitlist".
As soon as a class is full (12 people have all paid deposits), we will remove it from the form's list of available classes.
If your first choice class fills up before you pay your deposit, we will reach out to ask if you'd like to attend the next
available class. We do our best to avoid this scenario, but not everyone responds or pays their deposit promptly so it's
impossible to avoid to some degree.
Discount - We offer a 10% discount to the following groups:
First responders
Existing Saratoga Shooting Sports customers
Please tell us as soon as possible if you need to cancel. We will refund your deposit if we are able to fill your spot.
If Saratoga Shooting Sports cancels for any reason (weather, instructor illness, etc.), we will of course refund all deposits.
Additional Notes:
Saratoga County requires that you take this course BEFORE you submit your pistol permit application. The course is valid for
one year.
All course materials will be provided to you. There is no additional expense beyond the tuition fee.
If you live in a county other than Saratoga, we will reach out to your county's licensing division on your behalf to inquire
whether they will accept our course.
Additional details (exact locations, what to bring, etc.) will be provided after you've paid your deposit.